Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the help with the slide show timing. We learned more about how our content server works with the file server that contains the pictures that we showed. We also learned how few listeners could actually take advantage of the slide show. From what we saw, most listeners in Japan used receiver systems that could view the slides. Most listeners in India use standalone receivers that cannot view the slides. If this perception is incorrect, please let us know. We are considering switching over to using Journaline to enhance the listening experience for more people.
In other news, KTWR will be modifying its broadcast schedule at mid-season. Effective 3 July, the following schedule will apply:
KTWR Digital Broadcasts
DRM broadcasts (Effective 3 July 2022):
Day Time (UTC) Frequency Coverage Area Language
Saturday 1100-1127 12000 kHz China English
Saturday 1128-1230 9910 kHz Japan Japanese, English
M-F 1215-1245 9910 kHz China Mandarin
Sunday 1500-1545 15205 kHz India English
Sunday 1600-1630 15390 kHz India South Indian languages
The schedule change was triggered by requests to air the South Asian broadcasts later in the evening and by the addition of Macedonian Call to the end of the English block. It would not fit in the current schedule. DXers Diary will still be at the beginning of the English DRM block to India.
73 de NH2MS