For the past several months, we have been only operating one antenna switch during the normal broadcast shifts. With the new broadcast season that starts March 29th, we will need to use more switches. This necessitated the completion of the control software needed to make the whole matrix work. While there are some tweaks to be done, we are basically at that point
The user interface is able show the operator which transmitter is connected to which antenna. The operator can also see if there is a bad switch. This system gives options for working around bad switches, which is quite unique for an antenna switch matrix. The same automation system that controls the transmitters and antenna also controls the switch matrix. This simplifies automation changes.
The antenna switch matrix will help us save money starting next season (beginning March 29th). It allows us to use our transmitters more efficiently in order to reduce power consumption. Being able to put any transmitter on any antenna adds quite a bit of flexibility.