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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Other Duties as Assigned

We have been getting quite a bit of help with the installation of three new air conditioners at KTWR. Helpers come from many different backgrounds and have a wide variety of talents. We often work in the realm of "other duties as assigned" that is covered in our job descriptions. Even TWR President and CEO, Lauren Libby, put in some time welding on a frame that will hold one of the 1,300lb cooling units. He had just arrived on Guam the previous night. This is an interesting way to combat jetlag.

The last two air conditioners will be picked up this week. Two of the frames should be ready for paint within a day or so. Assembly of the third frame has not yet begun. Once at least one of the air conditioners is mounted, we can begin ductwork and wiring.

Getting one or more of these units operating is an important milestone for us. That will allow much of the major building modification work to proceed. We cannot install the Thomson transmitters without the building remodeling being partially complete. Please pray for us to make good progress in these tasks.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Help Wanted! enquire above

We have requested help from our supporting churches for the demolition and wall building next month February 14th to March 7th.  If one man could be sent from each church for two weeks, we would have more than enough help to complete the task on schedule.  Pray with us that God would supply the help we need.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the send out workers into his harvest field" Matthew.9:37-38.

Due to the manpower shortage, the team building the Air conditioner framework is also running the transmitter night shift from 5:30pm to 2:00am.  Please pray for the team as they work long hours… pray for safety, and alertness as they travel and perform critical tasks.

Cool down!

 The Transmitter replacement project has many aspects, a major part of the project is to setup the cooling system.  The transmitters have high power tubes that use steam vapor cooling.  The heat exchangers for the final high powered tubes will be outside the transmitter building; however, the lower powered sections will remain inside. 

To maintain the proper temperature and remove the critical sections from salty wet air the transmitter hall will be air conditioned.  This will lower maintenance costs and provide longer life for the equipment.

The first 12 ton Air Conditioner is currently being installed.  The last two systems are on order and expect to arrive next month.  Concrete footers are being poured and a steel support system is being welded.  Careful construction work is being performed as the system will need to withstand typhoon strength winds (200+ mph).

Inside we will be building ducts for the Cool air to be delivered to the transmitter hall and warm air to be returned to the Central unit.  Once the first air conditioner is installed (hopefully in a few weeks) we will be able to move to the next phase which is to remove the 2nd floor storage area above the transmitter hall and build a new wall and door system that will essentially seal up the building for air conditioner use, but still allow us to bring in the new transmitters.