Monday, April 22, 2013

Testing... Troubleshooting

The final stages of transmitter project may look so glamorous as the installation stages, but this is getting down to the real 'nitty-gritty'. 
Tracing faults, testing circuit boards, automation circuits... etc., etc.
Searching, diagnosing, repairing, testing...
and on we go.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The New Look (or)

                    Perlins, Roofing and Platform Dynamics

In the last week the heavy work was done to prepare for getting the roof on.  The preparation and structure is the major effort and work to accomplish.

And then, though cumbersome - the roofing goes on. Through the sun and and the heat...

And finally - the change is obvious.   And ... shade!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Heavy Lifting

The covered awning and shop extention work is in high gear.  The fabrication of the roof beams and rafters is almost done.  The beams have been lagged in place and now the rafters are being 'swung' into position.   The beams for the rafters are schedule 80 steel and estimated to weigh around 500 lbs each.  
This is very heavy construction.  Looking ahead to typhoon strength winds coming at us once again in the future, the additional details put into this will be worth it.